Wednesday, November 14, 2012

My Thankfulness for The Brook

With Thanksgiving in mind, here is my Top Ten List of things I feel most grateful for at The Brook!

1. God is Here
From the Bible we learn that there are many characteristics of God at work within a group of people, but the two primary outcomes that give evidence of the Holy Spirit are love and transformation.  When I look at The Brook, I see genuine Christian love and I witness how God is changing lives in truly amazing ways. Without God doing his work here, we are nothing. Thank you Father for your presence in and through our church... and for blessing us with your mighty work!

2. Our Unity
There is a sense of corporate family in our church. I particularly feel it at every ReUnion and at every baptism party. It is a sense that we belong to one another and that we’re here together- that we are one in Christ. Jesus said, “By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35) Our unity is a witness to others that we are in Christ. You as church members do such a great job of protecting this. Thanks for giving the benefit of the doubt, thanks for talking when misunderstandings arise, thanks for considering others, and thanks for refusing to let gossip hurt our church family!

3. Visitors and New Members
I love that almost every week we have guests who come and visit the church… and many of them end up becoming new members of our congregation. I am thankful that God continues to broaden our church family with people who are just like us, who believe also in who we are, and who add value to The Brook.

4.  Get ‘er Done.
I love that when we are faced with challenges, our church pulls together and pulls through by faith and sacrifice. I am thankful for the spirit of endurance we share, the commitment to stay the course, and the willingness to step up when the church is in need.

5.  Worship
I love how every week our worship and tech teams provide such an amazing experience of worship. I am thankful for the ministry that I receive through our music that builds me up, gives me perspective, and reminds me of God’s presence and power in my life.

6. Our Children
Personally, my family has been recipients of a children’s and student ministry that has been used greatly by God to influence my children into young people who love the Lord and understand God’s role in their lives. I am thankful that we are building families in our church, and that we have so many kids and young families! I am thankful for volunteers who serve our children and youth to make this ministry possible. Without you we just couldn't do it!

7. Missions and Outreach
I love how our church possesses a vision for outreach and missions… both locally and globally. I am thankful for how we minister in the community with no strings attached, and how we invest in front-line ministries and missionaries. I am thankful for opportunities in the future to develop more ways that we can impact our community and world through outreach and missions!

8. Groups
There are great things going on in small groups and BFG’s. I hear about how these people are gathering together, studying God’s word and building genuine love and fellowship with one another… and I just couldn’t be happier that these places exist in our church for these experiences. There may be nothing more important in order for our church to remain a close-knit and connected family than our groups ministry. Thank you Lord for them!

9. Leaders
We have the greatest group of volunteer and paid-staff leaders at The Brook than anywhere else! Our leaders serve and sacrifice in amazing ways. Leadership in ministry is often difficult, but from volunteer ministry leaders, to paid staff, to elders… our church possesses servant-leaders who give their very best to The Brook.

10. Our Vision
I believe that we are realizing our vision of becoming “Real People, Finding Real Hope, In the Real World”. It’s happening week in and week out at The Brook. Just look at a portion of the vision statement I wrote back in 1995 when we established our church…

It is a vision to establish a vibrant New Testament kind of church.  A church that is a biblically functioning community.  A church consumed with the desire to please God in all it does. A church that knows where it is going and why it is going there.  A church where spiritually lost people really matter.  A church that responds to God and to each other authentically.  A church where people understand their giftedness and gladly serve others.  A church that is creative and contemporary in its communication of God's love.  A church that has an understanding of what its like out in the real world and courageously faces the realities of our time.  A church that sincerely worships in awe and reverence for God.  A church where the Word of God is the absolute expression of truth.   A church where love and acceptance permeates every aspect of church life.  A church where pastors and leaders model honesty, vulnerability, courageous leadership and servanthood.  A church that is known in the community as the church that cares with no strings attached.  A church where excellence is pursued with passion.  A church that senses it has a unique destiny and mission from God.

When I read this I get as excited as the day I wrote it. I’m excited because what once was a dream is being achieved. It’s happening only because we believe it can, and we believe it should… and because in response to God we are willing to fully give ourselves for it. I think you'll agree with me that we have much to be thankful for at The Brook!


Pastor Mike

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