Wednesday, October 31, 2012

What is Man?

Just a couple of weeks ago on October 14, Felix Baumgartner achieved something no one had ever done before. He sky jumped from the earth’s stratosphere some 24 miles high to eventually parachute to the ground. It was simply awe-inspiring to watch. If you haven’t seen it- you need to! (

After jumping from 128,100 feet from the Red Bull Stratos capsule, Felix broke the speed of sound after 34 seconds of free fall, ultimately accelerating to as high as 833.9 mph, or Mach 1.24.

This is even more amazing considering that he began to spin out of control, but was able to straighten his fall. Since the jump, a team of experts has been analyzing the soundtrack from video footage shot at the exact instant Baumgartner went supersonic and believe they have captured the noise of the first human being breaking the speed of sound without automation. So cool!!

What was completely inspiring to me was the humility that Baumgartner described after the jump, as well as in the statement he made just before he fell. Here’s what he said from the platform right before his leap:

“I wish you could see what I see. Sometimes you have to get up really high to understand how small you are. I’m going home now.”

Baumgartner’s words sound very much like King David’s when he wrote in Psalm 8:3-5:

When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
what is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him?

David did not have a perch from 24 miles above the earth, but he like Felix Baumgartner, understood how small we are in view of God’s power and greatness.

Take some time today to look at God’s creation… a tree, a bird, a flower, the sky or stars. When you ponder that God did all this at the mere whisper of His voice, you’ll come to see how awesome He truly is and how blessed we are that our Father in heaven is mindful of us. This even to the degree that He would send His only Son to die for our redemption.

What an amazing God we serve!

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