Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Sanctity of Life

Last Sunday we commemorated National Sanctity of Life Sunday. This is a day where around the nation Christian churches highlight the sacredness of human life, God as the author of life, and the tragedy of over 1 million abortions occurring every year in our country.

The Bible is filled with commands that we are to protect the defenseless and the innocent (Psalm 82:3-4, Proverbs 6:16-17, Jeremiah 22:17) and that God preordains human life and creates it in the womb (Psalm 139:13-16).

With our beliefs from the Bible and our desire to rid our nation of this blight, what are we to do? Here are my recommendations…

1. Speak out in judgment against the political and moneymaking system of the abortion industry in this world. There is an entire commerce related to the shedding of innocent blood and we should have the deepest condemnation for it. This means that we should make our stance clear in political and social arenas, support efforts to get out the truth, and vote for elected officials who hold our values.

2. With the same zeal we feel in judgment toward those who would profit off of vulnerable women and innocent children, we must also passionately care for and support those who are at the crossroads of this decision. Many of them are desperate, poor, alone, and overwhelmed. We shouldn’t condemn them- our condemnation is reserved for the abortion industry. Rather, we should love them with deep compassion and instruct them about the true nature of this decision. We must not be guilty of the sin of the Pharisees who made a moral expectation of people, yet did not do anything to help them achieve it. Jesus judges them for their complete lack of heart, and he will judge us as well: “And you experts in the law, woe to you, because you load people down with burdens they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help them.” (Luke 11:46)

3. If we encounter an individual who has experienced the trauma of an abortion, we should reveal God’s amazing grace and forgiveness to them. Abortion is a sin, but God is in the business of forgiving sinners. I would venture to say that very few who have made the choice to abort their child do not feel shame and guilt over the decision. Christ loves all who have sinned. He has shown us mercy as well. So if He provides the opportunity we should also reveal the nature of His love in the form of grace to people who have made this tragic moral choice.

4. Teach our children and youth the value of life, the nature of true love, and the strength that is ours in Christ when we face desperation. Our children’s and student ministries are making huge investments into the hearts and minds of our children. We should be thankful for all they do in teaching them God’s Word and encouraging them to love Christ. However, we as parents must be the primary disciple-makers of our children and teach them in our homes the most important lessons of life. Some of these lessons include…
  • God creates and holds dear ALL human life.
  • God possesses special grace toward the defenseless and innocent in our world.
  • Life begins at the moment of conception.
  • Every child, expected by us or unexpected, is a gift and a blessing from God.
  • There is always a price to pay for sex outside the dedication and love of the marriage relationship. Our children should be taught to wait until married before giving themselves to another in sex.
  • Life is filled with hardships, burdens, and difficult choices. It is not always easy and the primary goal of living is not to remove every burden and consequence away from us. Rather, we must own up to failure and face life’s challenges head on understanding that God has a greater plan and though difficult, we must have the courage through our faith in Christ to endure in order to see good come from bad.

5. Lastly and most importantly- PRAY. Pray for our nation, our leaders, our churches, women who face this choice, and pray against Satan who seeks to build a culture of death in our world. God works through prayer. I believe in fact that it is the prayers of the saints in our nation today that are holding back the unleashing of death and destruction in our country. By prayer we stand in the gap, stem the tide, and repel the Enemy and his accomplices from achieving unbridled evil. Let’s be faithful to pray!

In conclusion, I had a moment 2 weeks ago when I became again so very thankful for our church. Phil Pattillo was speaking on my behalf in worship and I had the rare opportunity to visit the children’s classrooms. I went from room-to-room feeling gratitude in my heart for those who make the investment to volunteer for our kids. I came to the kindergarten class and witnessed Michael and Danielle Pelham teaching together. I thought, “How cool it is for a husband and wife to serve and share ministry together. I bet this blesses their marriage!” Then I noticed as a part of the lesson the kids did a puzzle as they said and put together the words “With God All Things Are Possible!” This of course, is taken from what Jesus said in Matthew 19:26.

While preparing for this past Sunday and realizing it was Sanctity of Life Day, I remembered that experience in the kindergarten class. I then thought about a 16 or 17 year-old girl who might find herself pregnant and unmarried. And the Lord laid on my heart, “Mike do you think that a young girl who finds herself pregnant and alone could benefit from the message she learned as a child at The Brook that “With God All Things Are Possible”? What would that do for her? How would that encourage her to make the right choice? Would she find the strength to endure the decision to keep that child holding on to the belief that With God All Things Are Possible?”

Wow! I was reminded how important each and every Sunday and each and every lesson is in our church. We are making investments that will reap possibly unseen dividends… that is, unseen until heaven. Then and there we will get to witness the blessing of our investments and the reward for giving ourselves in service to others.

May God help us continue to be this kind of church and use us to share the message of LIFE with the world!

Pastor Mike

One great way to minister and help struggling women is to give financially and/or volunteer in a Christian pregnancy center. The Brook strongly supports one in our area called CareNet Pregnancy Center. CareNet counsels women, but also provides for their spiritual, physical and material needs both before the birth of their child and after.  Visit http://www.carenetnw.com/ for details.

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